Club Officers

President:   Barbara Goff
Vice-President:   Lee Bryson
Secretary:   Tim Conover
Treasurer:   Lois Delaney
Board Members:
   Drew Deaton
   Dan Dunham
   Susan Rogers


Show Chair: Gene Hinson
Obed. Trial Chair:   Grace Lichtenwald
Match Chair:   Drew Deaton
Education Chair:   Jane Fink
Breed Referral:   Nancy Reid
Hospitality Chair:   Barbara Goff
Club Historian:   Christine Smith
Facebook Page: Beth Crocker
Web Site: Tim Conover

Wags & Brags March 2018

Dan and Cheri Dunham’s seven month old Gordon Setter pup qualified in four consecutive hunt tests to achieve his Junior Hunter title. The next week he went to the Tallahassee shows and went Winners Dog in 2 of 3 shows for his first conformation points.

Jane Fink’s Westie Frasier earned his Achiever Dog title in March, for his multifarious other titles.

Guenter and Sandra Reuter’s Truman earned a Bronze GCH medallion. GCHB Afterhours Citizen Soldier PT.

Al Pertuit’s Trooper (Wire Fox Terrier) in March won 5 Group 1’s, 2 RBIS’s and one BIS.

Christine Smith’s show partner finished two more Bostons that she co-owns with Jane Cole from the BBE Class.

Margaret Ptacek and Paulo Canneiro Filho’s Dalmatian bitch GCH Whitecap Excellence won two Reserve BIS’s.

February 2018

Drew Deaton’s Smooth Collie bitch Luna finished her Grand Championship with four 5-point majors, an AOM, and multiple group placements, at the AKC National Championships.

Jane Fink’s Westies Dover, Frasier, and Quill all earned their Performer Trick Dog titles on January 28th.

Mike Williquette’s Beagle puppies finished their Championships in FL in January. PBGV Glee earned two scentwork titles and the Trick Dog Performer title.

Beth Crocker’s Boykin Spaniel Jake has earned four passes toward his Rally Master title. Boykin Tommie earned two passes toward her Rally Intermediate. Irish Setter Lincoln also earned two Rally Intermediate passes.

Dan and Cheri Dunham’s 7 month old Gordon Setter puppy went to his first two hunt tests last weekend, and qualified both days. Our Rat Terrier Hondo completed his CGC.

January 2018

Beth Crocker’s Irish Setter Lincoln has qualified for the Rally National Championship in June 2018 at the Novice level.

Grace Lichtenwald had first pick at the Christmas gift exchange. The present Grace took first had lottery tickets in it. No one stole it and Grace won $50.00 on one of the lottery tickets!

Al Pertuit’s Wire Fox Terrier “Trooper” won Breed at AKC’s National Championship Show in Orlando in mid-December 2017.

Jane Fink’s Westie Quill (UCH. Greyfaire Revisited CA, CGCA, CGCU, TKA) earned is first leg in Beginner Novice at the obedience trial in Concord NC on November 18, 2017. He earned his 7th Coursing Ability Advanced leg and 87 points toward his Fast CAT Novice title at the Winterland Cluster in Perry GA on Dec. 1 & 2, 2017. This all earned him the new AKC Achiever Dog title. Quill is also ranked number 7 in the top 20 fastest in the breed for Fast CAT, running the 100 yard dash at over 18 miles per hour.

December 2017

Margaret Ptacek’s GCH Sweet Camellia I’d Like to Steal Ya at Perry GA on 12/3/17 went BOB over 5 specials including two Top 5 Dalmatians in the U.S.

Beth Crocker’s Thornhill’s Lil Clemson Tomboy RN CA OM DS CGC earned her BCAT title in FastCAT on 12/7/17 at Perry. She is also #6 in Boykin Spaniels in Orlando and she is qualified to jump on Sunday in Dockmaster Lap Dog Championship at Orlando.

Jane Fink’s Westie “Quill” earned is 7th leg toward his Coursing Ability Advanced title, and three FastCAT runs obtained at the Perry GA Winterland Cluster Dec. 1 & 2.

Mile Williquette’s Beagle Bare Tree Come Fly With Me “Boeing” earned 9 points and both majors at Ocala FL and Perry GA.

Jim and Jenny Durrance added a new Golden Retriever to their Rochambeau family. His name is “Magic” and he is Jenny’s new obedience hopeful.

On Nov 25th Liz Strahlo’s Spanish Water Dog Dulce de Leche III qualified in Novice JWW with 1st place, and also qualified in Novice Standard with 1st place.

Mark and Adrianna Darwish’s Amstaff “Hagan” earned his Grand Champion Bronze in a short 3 ½ months at Pinehurst NC.